Science Fiction and Fantasy
Title: Reternity
Author: Neal Wooten
Publisher and/or Distributor: Mirror Publishing
Publisher Website:
Pages: 240
ISBN: 978-1-61225-041-0
Price: $6.99
Publishing Date: 2011
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

The combination of religious writing and science fiction is not so unusual. Look at the “Left Behind” series for example. Success is in how the story is told. This book tells its story in a very interesting way—much more valid than the Left Behind series ever was. The author chooses a fine young man, a minister’s son, to tell this story about going away to college; being exposed to a variety of philosophies and religious doctrine. He is not the hackneyed rebellious son, but a young man who can and does think for himself. At college, he takes on a favorite physics professor’s challenge for major bonus points to compete in a “Near Impossible Assignment.” In doing so, the young man stumbles onto a wholly unexpected result—time travel. The professor is blown away by the results, as they team up to experiment while keeping it secret. What lies in the Earth’s future is startling to say the least, with some incredible plot twists.

Especially interesting is a bible study group that is run by this same professor. All discussion topics and discussion points must be backed up scripturally. A number of doctrinal issues come up, with an antagonist in the form of a wealthy son of a fabulously successful televangelist roiling the doctrinal waters. It is during these discussions where we see the author’s grasp of the scriptures and what they should really mean. Mr. Wooten is a true scriptorian and knows how to back up all sides of the group’s doctrinal arguments with scriptural references and interpretations. Reternity is a quick but thought provoking read. We rated it five hearts.


Title: Time Will Tell
Author: Eddie Upnick
Publisher and/or Distributor: Eloquent Books
Publisher Website:
Pages: 221
ISBN: 978-1-60911-097-0
Price: $14.95
Publishing Date: 2009
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 3 hearts

This speculative science fiction novel begins in 2133 on an earth where Hitler won WWII and the Nazis are in charge. The ruling regime decides to celebrate the 200th anniversary of Hitler’s rise to power back in 1933. They task a team of scientists to develop time travel so Hitler can be told how successful his future will become. The scientists knock out their two Nazi guards and travel one way back to 1933 knowing they are leaving their families and loved one behind, but their guards come to and go back to 1932. We then watch the scientists do their best to create the events as they happened in our own timeline to insure Hitler’s loss while the two guards try to negate their impact. Although one of the scientists loses his life, they are successful. They are now stuck in the past without knowing whether their future and the ones they love still exist—the old time-travel paradox. Eventually their influence places them in a position to be included in the development of the atomic bomb and later in ultra-secret negotiations with several alien groups who have an interest in earth with various agendas.

The story is told from the point of view of Jeff, one of the scientists, who relates it in his 90s to an elder-care psychologist. This book experiments with many what-ifs in history and extends them into some interesting sci fi directions. If you have an interest in what happened in history and how decisions and conditions could have happened differently with the resultant developments, this book will give you pause to think. We rated this thrilling, entertaining story three hearts.


Title: Hobson’s Planet
Author: John Paulits
Publisher and/or Distributor: Wings Press, Inc.
Publisher Website:
Pages: 411
ISBN: 1-59705-723-1
Price: $?
Publishing Date: 2008
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

This thought provoking sci fi novel demonstrates how someone with natural leadership skills will usually rise to the top in most any scenario. Culp Robinson wins the US presidential election; however, his victory is stolen from him. When he protests, he finds himself thrown into prison. Three years later he is offered an alternative to travel two plus years to Hobson’s Planet, staying awake as an attendant of settlers placed in suspended animation. Once on the new world, he only wants to find his ex-wife and daughter; however, he is headed for loftier positions as a reluctant head of a revolution against an alien race.

This book has everything: frontier life and culture, politics, alien wars and revolutions, sex with an exotic alien female, and super ray gun weapons against projectile weapons, and people fighting for their political and economic freedom. The story’s pace will yank you through it. We rated it five hearts.


Title: Deadworld
Author: Dennis Dufour
Publisher and/or Distributor: Trafford Publishing
Publisher Website:
Pages: 103
ISBN: 9781425132491
Price: $
Publishing Date: 2008
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 3 hearts

This short novel is a classic zombie story; however, it focuses much more on those characters, which are still alive, and their efforts to survive a horrendous biological weapon leak, which is turning people into zombies. More than people are affected, even animals and birds are dying off. The protagonist is searching for his fiancée. Along the way, he acquires others, such as a pop singing star and her manager. They find themselves fighting a fanatical military officer and others.

The author’s work differs from other genre stories in that its focus is on survival and the salvation of mankind. We rated this book three hearts.


Title: Cry of Sorrow
Author: Holly Taylor
Publisher and/or Distributor: Medallion Press, Inc.
Publisher Website:
Pages: 537
ISBN: 9781933836263
Price: $15.95
Publishing Date: July 2008
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 3 hearts

This is the third in a fantasy series based on Gaelic settings and culture. It culminates the conflicts between a politically controlling religion with religions based on nature and paranormal powers. An island nation based on the latter has been invaded and overrun by a mainland nation backed by the political based religion. Ironically, the leader of the invading forces is the progeny of these islanders and has paranormal powers which he keeps hidden and denies their existence even to himself. This book focuses on a race between the opposing forces to obtain four artifacts which are prophesied to be the keys to the sanctity of the island nation.

The author is an expert in Gaelic matters, with undergrad and masters degrees in medieval history and literature. She incorporates her knowledge of our past into a credible story that draws on all elements of good storytelling. We rated it three hearts.


Title: Heroes Arise
Author: Laurel Anne Hill
Illustrator: Jasmine Nakagawa
Publisher and/or Distributor: Komenar Publishing
Publisher Website:
Pages: 198
ISBN: 978-0-9772081-4-2
Price: $24.95
Publishing Date: 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

This future fantasy set on an alien planet with harsh deserts and mountains is about both the tolerance between the native reptilian people, the kren, and humans. Rheemar, a human, has gone way beyond the usual in his learning customs and language (as well as can be given with physical limitations). He pairs up with kren trader, Gundack, to search for his kidnapped younger sister, while Gundack seeks revenge on his wife’s murderer, Tarr.

This is a story of revenge, redemption, forgiveness, and acceptance. The characters grow within the fantasy framework and show that very dissimilar beings may not be so different down deep. This is a very worthwhile read and ends much differently that you might expect. We rated it four hearts.


Title: The Spanish Pearl
Author: Catherine Friend
Publisher and/or Distributor: Bold Strokes Books
Publisher Website:
Pages: 328
ISBN: 978-1-933110-76-9
Price: $15.95
Publishing Date: 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

Kate Vincent and life partner Anna are on a trip to Spain when Kate literally stumbles into a time gate and is catapulted back to Spain of the year 1085. Captured by mercenary soldiers, she finds herself caught in a conflict between Catholic Kings and Islamic Moors. She eventually winds up in a Moorish harem, but discovers a luxurious environment can be even more dangerous than a battlefield. She finds herself embroiled with a leader who is destined to become “El Cid.”

This is a great time travel fantasy based on solid history. It is meant for a lesbian audience, and it is done tastefully. We rated it five hearts.


Title: The Black March
Author: Marshall S. Thomas
Publisher and/or Distributor: Book Locker
Publisher Website:
Pages: 250
ISBN: 978-1-60145-100-2
Price: $15.95
Publishing Date: 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

This is a wonderful example of military science fiction in the tradition of “The Forever War” and “Hammer’s Slammers.” This novel addresses the tactics of a high tech future military in a galactic arena. Much of the book deals with multiple battles and the politics of a galactic empire. The action is fast and realistic. It focuses on the misuse and abuse of soldiers and how they must be true to themselves and their fellow soldiers before the politicians and their policies. If you are looking for hard hitting, exciting military action, this book is well worth reading. We rated it five hearts.


Title: Damselflies
Author: Jayel Gibson
Illustrator: Michele-lee Phelan
Publisher and/or Distributor: Synergy Books
Publisher Website:
Pages: 413
ISBN: 1-933538-64-3
Price: $14.95
Publishing Date: 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 3 hearts

This is a multi-generational fantasy featuring Arcinae, the last of the damselflies, a fairy folk, and a bitter champion, Ilerion, who rescues Arcinae and tries to deny his developing love for her. Arcinae, raped and having had her wings amputated, must learn violence and become strengthened enough to seek revenge. Later, their daughters must fight for the survival all fairy folk and goodness of mankind. We rated the fantasy three hearts.


Title: Expert Assistance
Author: Robert Collins
Publisher and/or Distributor: Asylett Press
Publisher Website:
Pages: 173
ISBN: 9781934337080
Price: $8.75
Publishing Date: 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

This very funny space opera science fiction is also a brilliant social commentary, especially on the shallowness of pop culture. Spacer of fortune, Jake Bonner, finds himself short of funds; therefore, he takes on two jobs simultaneously: a controlling consultant to mine workers governed by an unethical tyrant who seek revolution and to chauffeur Evvie, a nineteen-year-old pop star who is on a performance tour. He is assisted by his ship’s artificial intelligence-driven spaceship, which was originally designed for wholesale espionage and over which he was able gain salvage rights. Things really get complex when Evvie discovers Jake’s revolutionary mission and wants to play in it to gain massive PR points.

In addition to being a humorous read, this story should be considered a classic in the field of social commentary. It ranks right up there with Animal Farm and 1984, but with a far less dire atmosphere. The author, an active historian, brings to bear an excellent knowledge of what comprises good music and theatre and how bad and shallow current and evolving pop culture is. It is a cleanly written story and is very appropriate for young, gifted readers. We rated this excellent social commentary novel four hearts.


Title: White Fells
Author: R. Garland Gray
Publisher and/or Distributor: Medallion Press, Inc.
Publisher Website:
Pages: 400
ISBN: 9781933836195
Price: $7.95
Publishing Date: Dec 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

This is an erotic swords and wizards novel based on Gaelic background (Irish and Scottish). Boyden has the power to summon the fey wind to bring death and destruction, even when his own life and those he loves are in danger. Princess Scotia doesn’t believe in fey until she meets half fey Boyden. Their’s is a tumultuous relationship with many control issues. Suddenly, Scotia begins exhibiting some of her own signs of being fey (brought on by a developing baby inside her). Boyden’s and Scotia’s people are at war, but can the couple mend the fences of diplomacy or will they be swept away by their rulers’ pride or as pawns of the fey?

For those who like their fantasies based around relationships rather than magical tricks and quest barriers, they will find enjoyment with this tale. Definitely R+ rated, there is still enough social redeeming qualities to make this a worthwhile read. We rated it four hearts.


Title: The Future Happens Twice: The Perennial Project
Author: Matt Browne
Publisher and/or Distributor: Athena Press
Publisher Website:
Pages: 720
ISBN: 978-1-84401-830-7
Price: $23.95
Publishing Date: 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

This science fiction tour de force takes place later in this century. If you have missed reading works by Clarke or Asimov, relief is on the way. A super-secret government agency has been given the responsibility of saving mankind by sending a starship to a planet 42,000 years away with 5,000 frozen embryos, 2 androids, and a crew of four children who are artificially born 18 years before the landing, raised and trained by the androids. This seems straight forward enough; however, its complexity is greatly increased by the moral questions of cloning and lying to test subjects.

This 720-page tome will be followed by two more editions which will follow mankind’s survival across eons and light years. We rated it four hearts.


Title: A Rumor of Dragons
Author: Michael A. Heald
Publisher and/or Distributor: Lulu Press, Inc.
Publisher Website: www.
Pages: 396
ISBN: 978-1-4303-2509-3
Price: $19.95
Publishing Date: Feb 2008
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

This excellent fantasy written by a physician who supports our embassy staff in Argentina. He has taken a unique plot based on a young prince born without hands. In a society where physical wholeness is very important, he cannot be taken seriously as the next ruler. Provided with metal prostheses that function through magic, Prince Marc seems relegated to a life of leisure, since no one, even his friends, can take him seriously. A palace coup by an evil wizard forces Marc into a much different role as a underground leader as he attempts to win back his family’s kingdom. He is aided by a minor wizard, a disgraced empathy, and a dwarf dragon who cannot fly.

The author has also created an unusual setting of a world that does not spin and opposing forces that hide behind other opposing forces. There are many twists and turns. This has the elements of most great fantasies. We rated it five hearts.


Title: Son of the Star
Author: Janice Dietert
Publisher and/or Distributor: Lulu Books
Publisher Website:
Pages: 531
ISBN: 978-0-6151-4341-5
Price: $?
Publishing Date: 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 3 hearts

This romantic science fiction story tells about Michael, an exiled baby prince from the planet Quentas, whom is whisked away from death by assassination on his home world to possibly the same fate on earth. His guardian, loyal retainer to Michael’s murdered father, takes the place of a father figure and insures Michael’s education in the sciences while keeping them on the move to escape assassination attempts by evil Saracens. Michael meets Jan when she comes to work for them as an administrative assistant. Aligning herself with Michael brings Jan under direct threat as she is kidnapped, tortured, and disabled by the Saracens. Michael and his entourage return to Quentas to fight for the planet’s freedom from occupying Saracens. Behind Michael’s back, Jan surprises everyone with her recovery and secret actions.

This is a good cozy SF piece, ideal for romantic escapism. We rated it three hearts.


Title: Eshen: An American Colony
Author: Michael H. Davison
Publisher and/or Distributor: Dry Creek Publishing, LLC
Publisher Email:
Pages: 438
ISBN: 978-097924376-9
Price: $17.95
Publishing Date: 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 3 hearts

Americans have colonized another world, which has been divided into the human settlers’ areas and the forbidden native Esh’s areas. People have been driven insane and paralyzed by their exposures to the Esh until a young policeman chases criminals into a forbidden area. He survives but the criminals do not. The Esh appear similar dryads and seem to acquire their sustenance from special trees they grow in dark forests. He, his lady friend, and a couple of old scientists/ex-teachers come together to fight against an evil administrator and laws forbidding contact with the Esh. The outcome is a whole new understanding of the aliens and themselves.

The author has posited interesting roles for such human aspects as emotions and how we interact with other species. We rated this book three hearts.


Title: Crimson Fire
Author: Holly Taylor
Publisher and/or Distributor: Medallion Press, Inc.
Publisher Website:
Pages: 500
ISBN: 9781933836034 / 1933836032
Price: 14.99
Publishing Date: June 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

This excellent fantasy illustrates what can happen when a person grows up hating people of another country while refusing to acknowledge he is actually from a parent from that hated country. Havgan has risen to head up a country from peasant roots. His blood mother was shipwrecked and gave birth to him before she died. Now he is bent on destroying his birthright country.

There is plenty of action, irony, and emotion in this tale of two kinds of people: religious zealots and paranormals. This is a richly crafted book. We look forward to reviewing the rest of the series and rated this book a score of five hearts.


Title: The Woman & the Raven
Author: Marlene Vor Der Hake
Illustrator: Hakon Jens Petursson
Publisher and/or Distributor: Pictogram and BookSurge
Publisher Website:
Pages: 109
ISBN: 1-4196-6060-8
Price: 12.99
Publishing Date: 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 3 hearts

This fantasy novella was written by the author, a German journalist while a writer-in-residence in Iceland. It focuses on a lady trapper and hunter who becomes a wizard’s apprentice. She learns to face real and imagined dangers and fears facing evil wizards, giants, and the like.

The author mixes in aspects of Scandinavian mythology to her story. For example, a raven is the symbol for Odin, and takes on the persona of her guardian wizard. For those students of Northern European literature, you will find this a fascinating read. We rated it a high three hearts.


Title: Proteus Rising
Author: Peter Dingus
Publisher and/or Distributor: Speculative Fiction Review
Publisher Website:
Pages: 468
ISBN: 0-9785232-0-2
Price: $17.95
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

It’s the years 2320s and Mars has been colonized by mining concerns, turning it into a planet-sized company town. An earth-born professor, George Mills, has immigrated to Mars and built a super-intelligent computer reminiscent of HAL in 2001, but far more sophisticated. George and his lady friend, Dr. Joanne Zhu, have used the computer to alter the gene structure of fifty Mars-born children, thereby creating a race beyond superhuman in abilities and intelligence. The earthly military/industrial complex finds these developments so frighteningly threatening they respond violently.

Those who grew up cutting our teeth on superb science fiction classics and their authors often bemoan the fact that they don’t write them like they used to. This is because too few scientists are also science fiction writers—at least until now. Peter Dingus is the real deal, a research physicist and computer expert, he brings his science training and knowledge to his writing. In my estimation, he has picked up the standard Arthur C. Clarke dropped when he passed on. This is classic sci fi at its best. We rated it five hearts.


Title: Cleansing Hunt: Book Two of the Earthsoul Prophecies
Author: Greg Park
Publisher and/or Distributor: Bladestar Publishing
Publisher Website:
Pages: 528
ISBN: 978-0-9787931-9-7
Price: $24.95
Publishing Date: May 2007
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

Tolkien wrote about what he knew best—the Celtic and Norse cultures and mythologies—when he put together his famous fantasies. So does Greg Park, except he uses Japanese and Christian cultures and themes. The Cleansing Hunt is about how an evil entity and its forces suborn people, causing them to seek after promised rewards while committing evil acts which will further the cause of evil. Often these people hide in plain view. So it is in modern times and so it is in Park’s wonderful world of fantasy. The hunt centers around eradicating the world of these evil influences and people, while granting them the rights of repentance, if they are sincere.

The Japanese culture is represented by the equivalent of samurais and ninjas. The Christian ethos is represented by self-sacrificing hero figures which are driven and supported by the Earthsoul, a force for the good of mankind and nature. Add to these cultures a force equivalent to the Force in Starwars, and you have Park’s setting for his well written fantasies. Although there is enough excitement for the average dungeons and dragons aficionados, there are also deeper layers which call to those of a more spiritual and cultural bent. We predict a sterling future for this author and rate his second book in a series of five our top five hearts score.


Title: Lightning Days
Author: Colin Harvey
Publisher and/or Distributor: Swimming Kangaroo Books
Publisher Website:
Pages: 331
ISBN: 1-934041-10-6
Price: $?
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

A secretive British mission to Afghanistan turns into a multi-dimensional thriller when a refugee group of Neanderthals from another dimension are found in a cave, escaped from a reptilian people’s invasion. Suddenly the fight is brought here. This is a fun read and raises some interesting questions about the earth’s past, present, and future. We rated it four hearts.


Title: Cybernetica
Author: Michael J. Cavallaro
Publisher and/or Distributor: Arcanum Books
Publisher Website:
Pages: 468
ISBN: 978-097745332-0
Price: $15.95
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

Cybernetica is a welcome addition to traditional science fiction. This exciting piece of speculative fiction portrays a future where people are provided special interfacing chips in their brains to keep them happy and controlled. Not everyone support this situation. One group is unable to interface. Called the Brain Blind, they are relegated to the lowest caste in this futuristic society. Then there are the rebels called the drifters.

The future is one where multinational corporations are as powerful as national governments. Inevitably, conflict for power takes place between the different governing entities. The setting makes for fascinating characters. The book is a combination of classic cyber-punk and Blade Runner with 1984 and Shogun. It makes for interesting reading. We rated it four hearts.


Title: Fey Born
Author: R. Garland Gray
Publisher and/or Distributor: Medallion Press
Publisher Website:
Pages: 219
ISBN: 1932815821
Price: $6.99
Publishing Date: Dec 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

A Celtic-based romantic fantasy, Fey Born is a story of conflict between elfin agendas and mankind. Caught in the middle are a young, heart-damaged women and a Guardian elf of the waters. Lana, the young farm girl, is needed to host the spirit of a magic sword. Keegan, the Guardian, oversteps his bounds by falling in love with Lana and bringing it to total fruition—violating elf law.

This is one of the better fantasies coming forth from this interesting publishing house. Look out Tor and Baen, Medallion Press is here to compete and win. We rated this fantasy four hearts.


Title: The Hiveborn
Author: Paul Collins
Publisher and/or Distributor: Bohemian Ink
Publisher Website:
Pages: 248
ISBN: 0-9726051-8-5
Price: $24.95
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

At last, science fiction that would be competitive with that written by the masters of 30 to 40 years ago. Hiveborn, the third and last book in the Earthborn Wars series. There is a little of Star Wars mixed with the Night of the Living Dead and the Body Snatchers in this book about a time in our future where survivors of an earthly holocaust, a cultic spaceborn group, and people taken over by alien parasites vie to win over the others and create a new day and a new way for planet earth’s human population. The key is which one will gain ascendancy? The action and pace are relentless, the characters unique and believable, and the technologies are predictable. We rated this excellent novel by its award-winning Australian author five hearts.


Title: The Killing Frost
Author: Scott Gamboe
Publisher and/or Distributor: Medallion Press
Publisher Website:
Pages: 589
ISBN: 1-932815-98-8
Price: $6.99
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

At last, a space opera sci fi novel like the good old days. It is so hard to find good sci fi adventure, but Killing Frost, fits the bill. We follow a special ops military unit of the future as they battle an alien race and political traitors within the ranks of their government, including amongst their own people. This is a fast paced story that keeps the tension up until the very end. All the elements are there imperfect protagonists, heroines, villains we expect and love to hate, treasonous friends and loyal friend, an evil alien race that may not be completely evil, and constant changing technology. It includes warrior ethos and idealistic values. We rated this excellent novel four hearts.


Title: Double Daggers
Author: James R. Clifford
Publisher and/or Distributor: Dan River Press
Publisher Website:
Pages: 196
ISBN: 0-89754-217-7
Price: $16.95
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

Coins are especially minted after the assassination of Julius Caesar. The first one is given a special marking and handed over to the mastermind of Caesar’s death—Brutus. He finds it is a cursed coin and dies ignominiously. The same happens to further reincarnations of Brutus as a knight in the Crusades, an SS officer, and an American stockbroker.

The author creates an interesting chain of events which follow down through history with the same inevitable conclusion each time. We rated this book four hearts.


Title: Seven Touches of Music
Author: Zoran Zivkovic
Publisher and/or Distributor: Aio Publishing Co., Ltd.
Publisher Website:
Pages: 160
ISBN: 1-933083-042
Price: $23.95
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

Signing on this world-renown author from Belgrade of the former Yugoslavia is a real literary coup for this small but erudite publishing company. They are making quite a name for themselves in speculative literary fiction. Although identified as a fantasy, this collection of short stories centered around musical themes has nothing to do with swords and dragons, but with highly nuanced what ifs that use their musical themes to construct a literary ensemble of thoughtful pieces that raise questions and speculations of the Old World. Reading his work is like sipping from a wine glass and swirling it around to get its true taste.

The stories range in emotion from humor to poignancy to chilling. His characters are believable and complex. He has a way of telling the reader: “The story could go this way or that. Which way do you think it went?” We rated this very interesting collection five hearts.


Title: The Steam Magnate: A Novel of the Broken Glass City
Author: Dana Copithorne
Illustrator: Dana Copithorne
Publisher and/or Distributor: Aio Publishing Co., Ltd
Publisher Website:
Pages: 320
ISBN: 1-933083-085
Price: $16
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

A literary fantasy, this story is about power, both environmental, magical, and interpersonal. A young woman is sent to make trouble for a scion of a wealthy electrical power-based dynasty. She ends up aligning herself with him and his endeavors and is almost destroyed in the process.

The author has created an unusual world of forces—both elemental and societal. The story is subtle and well crafted—a truly literary work. Its complexities of relationships and politics make for an interesting read. We applaud the publisher for taking on a delicate work of this nature, providing a platform for a new and deserving talent. We rated the book five hearts.


Title: Windmaster’s Bane
Author: Tom Deitz
Illustrator: Tom Deitz
Publisher and/or Distributor: Claystone Books
Publisher Website:
Pages: 303
ISBN: 1-932158-72-3
Price: $17.95
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

This is a great young adult to adult fantasy about a sixteen-year-old boy in the mountains of Georgia and his two best friends. David Sullivan, assisted by Alec and Liz, find themselves locked into a conflict with a faery from a neighboring dimension who attempts revenge for David’s triumph over him, the Windmaster, in a question contest. The faery Ailill has David’s great uncle harmed by a faery arrow and David’s little brother replaced by a changeling. David, must first convince Alec and Liz that such things exist and then allow them to help right the wrongs through a Hero Trial, consisting of passing wisdom, courage, and strength tests.

This is a difficult fantasy to write because of the inter-dimensional and time aspects of the two very different worlds. I couldn’t put it down, which is not surprising because the series of nine books did very well for Avon Publishing twenty years ago. This is a tastefully updated version. We rated this first book in the series a strong five hearts and are looking forward to the release of the next in the series.


Title: The Angelic Prophecy
Author: Robert L. Hecker
Publisher and/or Distributor: Mundania Press
Publisher Website:
Pages: 249
ISBN: 1-59426-256-X
Price: $14
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

Some people were raised with religious roots which they have lost along the way. Michael Modesto is one such, side-tracked by a rising career as a rock star. Despite a life style, which includes hard living and the pick of beautifully eager groupies, Michael is chosen by God in a vision to be his messenger to the world. Michael discovers he has been given miraculous powers to heal people’s afflictions, bringing worldwide attention to him. His reaction is to try and learn whatever message he’s supposed to deliver so he can get back to his decadent life style. Obstacles rise up to prevent that in the form of a young woman with whom he falls in love and a repeating admonishment from God to beware of the Antichrist, who comes beguiling.

This is a classic reluctant hero story written by a highly experienced author from the worlds of radio and TV. The story is entertaining and adds a new twist to the end-times genre. We rated it four hearts.


Title: Ancient Rising
Author: JC De La Torre
Publisher and/or Distributor: Luna Brilliant Publishing
Publisher Website:
Pages: 201
ISBN: 1-4116-4265-1
Price: $13.95
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating:  hearts

Recent widower Dan Ryan is approached by a being claiming to be Hermes, a lesser Greek god and messenger for Zeus. Dan, an independently wealthy author of Christian novels, is thrust into backing a internationally famous archeologist in his search for Atlantis. He is beset bt the attractiveness of the scientist’s grand daughter who happens to be the ex-wife of an evil, unscrupulous British billionaire who is trying to get to the prize first. During this time Dan is haunted by the memory of his wife and daughter killed in a car wreck. They finally find Atlantis under the sea and set in motion its catastrophic rise to the surface, releasing the old gods onto the Earth. We rated this a high three hearts.


Title: Under the Stone Paw
Author: Theresa Crater
Publisher and/or Distributor: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc.
Publisher Website:
Pages: 343
ISBN: 1-57174-449-5
Price: $16.95
Publishing Date: 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

This book goes the next step beyond the Da Vinci Code. Not only does it deal with the linage of Mary Magdalene, but of five other families/organizations. Each of which has been given a crystal to guard and keep secret until the time comes for the collective use of these in a spectacular psychic opening of a Star Gate located beneath a paw of the Sphinx in Egypt. Dark side and forces for good vie to accumulate all the crystals and come together—the dark side hopes for the power to rule and control the universe and the forces for good hope to usher in a new millennium, a universe-wide Garden of Eden with the inhabitants of Earth coming forth to inherit their destiny.

This is a fast paced novel with classic conflict between good and evil. It is an uplifting story that will keep the readers on the edges of their seats and sleepless until finished. The plot and its execution is fascinating. The author has mastered the craft of storytelling and provides excellent food for thought as to how much is real and how much, if any, is imaginary. We rated this five hearts.


Title: Nocturne
Author: Jus Neuce
Publisher and/or Distributor: Aio Publishing Company, LLC
Publisher Website:
Pages: 373
ISBN: 1933083018
Price: $14
Publishing Date: 2005
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 3 hearts

Nocturne is a most unusual literary science fiction novel about a colony established far from earth, their request for help, and the resulting unwanted group of people earth sends as a final communication. The two groups of people are culturally different, which makes for societal conflict, prejudice, and bigotry. Overlying all this is the first group’s complex and extraordinarily subtle bureaucracy and social interaction. The group reminded me of the aristocratic Japanese in its unspoken rules and quiet demands for privacy and acknowledgement of power.

This is a very complex novel which is more about evolving human interrelationships than it is about plot. If you are familiar with the writings of Gordon Dickson or Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series, you will find interest and enjoyment in this work. We rated it three hearts.


Title: Star Brigade: First Renaissance
Author: C.C. Ekeke
Publisher and/or Distributor: Shatterhouse Entertainment/Trafford Publishing
Publisher Website:
Pages: 519
ISBN: 1-4120-2881-7
Price: $38.50
Publishing Date: 2005
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

Star Brigade is a wild science fiction space opera. I say wild because of the unusual combination of elements. Imagine crossing an Asimov SF story with a Marvel Fantastic Four comic, but as a novel and not as a graphic novel, although that could have been done except for its length. Set 400 years into the future with extraterrestrial beings who look like something out of Star Wars, the Galactic Union’s military arm includes a special operations capability similar to our modern day Delta Force; however, these elite soldiers have both alien powers and enhanced powers which make them into a formidable force dedicated to anti-terrorism. If one adds in the concepts of Gordon Dickson’s Dorsai series and the personality differences, species differences, and xenophobic prejudices each main character has, one has an incredible mix of driving factors.

A race of special psi-talented beings were responsible for the destruction of Earth. Rounded up and contained in holocost-like concentration camps, these beings produce a fanatical group of revenge-driven freedom fighting terrorists which the Star Brigade must take on and save the lives of the Galactic Union’s central government and its home planet.

It is so rare to find classic science fiction today because it is so difficult to develop new beings, settings, and cultures. This author has done an excellent job of these. We rated the book a very high four hearts.


Title: Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
Author: Gregory Maguire
Publisher and/or Distributor: Regan Books / Harper Collins
Publisher Website:
Pages: 409
ISBN: 0-06-098710-3
Price: $15
Publishing Date: 1995
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

For those of us in Kansas who see “Follow the Yellow Brick Road” as something of a national anthem, the story of the Wizard of Oz is well known and taken for granted. There are, however, usually more sides to any story and this recently released trade paperback book version presents one such. Wicked follows the young life of Elphaba, who becomes known as the Wicked Witch of the West. WARNING: this is not an appropriate book for either children or young adults. Its content includes explicit sex, bestiality, and homosexuality in graphic terms.

Wicked is extremely well written in the literary sense. The story flows and the reader will develop a close, understanding connection with Elphaba. Dorothy and her supportive friend become almost an aside. What is paramount is the tyrannical political environment ruled by the Wizard. You will see all the techniques of nation and empire building from political, social, and economic perspectives. Of course, parallels with our own global society can easily be drawn. This is a superb teaching model for our own lives and governments. We rated this book five hearts.


Title: Lord of the Dead
Author: Lisa A. Shiel
Publisher and/or Distributor: Slipdown Mountain Publications, LLC
Publisher Website:
Pages: 272
ISBN: 0-9746553-2-5
Price: $14.95
Publishing Date: 2005
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

This is the second book in a series, which is based on the premise that humanoid aliens landed on earth tens of thousands of years ago. They bred “Big Foot” yetis as helpers and created humans with which to interbreed. The aliens became the ancient gods of the Egyptians. Going into cryogenic sleep for centuries at a time, the aliens come back from time to time to wreck havoc with one another and their human descendants. The action reminds me very much of the movie series, “The Mummy,” with incredible high adventure. The pace is frenetic and the story lends plausibility to an number of evolution theories. We rated this book a solid four hearts.


Title: Keeper of the Winds
Author: Jenna Solitaire
Publisher and/or Distributor: Tor Teen
Publisher Website:
Pages: 237
ISBN: 0-765-35357-1
Price: $
Publishing Date: Feb 2006
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

Although this excellent fantasy is a young adult book, adults will get quite a kick out of it. The author assumes the name of the story’s protagonist, evidently attempting to gain a cult following. The story is about a nineteen-year-old girl who discovers an old wooden board, which looks vaguely like a ouji board. The board is inhabited by a powerful magic which allows Jenna to control the winds of the earth. First in a series, the following books will feature boards that control the earth’s waters, flames, and the earth itself. If this first book is any indication, this promises to be a dynamite fantasy series. Jenna is a modern girl forced into the role of Keeper of these boards and their concomitant powers. She has to fight against evil organizations which are trying to grab the powers for their own dark purposes. She is assisted by a failed priest who is the Vatican’s representative. We rated this book five hearts.


Title: An Audience for Einstein
Author: Mark Wakely
Publisher and/or Distributor: Mundania Press
Publisher Website:
Pages: 173
ISBN: 1-59426-096-6
Price: $12
Publishing Date: 2004
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

This sci-fi book is reminiscent of “Flowers for Algernon.” A wealthy professor and a twisted neurosurgeon discover a secret method of transferring the professor’s memories to a young, indigent boy. What happens next becomes a struggle for dominance and dominion over the boy’s brain. We rated this book four hearts.


Title: The Duke’s Handmaid
Author: Caprice Hokstad
Publisher and/or Distributor: Xulon Press
Publisher Website:
Pages: 289
ISBN: 1-591603-37-4
Price: $16.99
Publishing Date: 2002
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

This medieval fantasy incorporates a two-race world (delineated by hair color and ear shape). A duke is apprised of the plight of a young peasant girl of the inferior race whose mother and sisters were raped and murdered and their homestead burned down. Since the higher culture depends on an economy supported by a beneficent slave system, the young girl offers herself as a slave to the nobleman to gain security, respect, and maybe even love. A highly prejudiced, evil duchess stands in her way to true happiness and safety.

The author structures a plot that pulls one through at a rapid clip. There are so many parallels to American racial attitudes, that this teaches a higher norm. The action is nonstop and the slave society is rich with rituals and codes that are designed to protect the interests of both slaves and their owners, although many owners ignore or take advantage of the system. We rated this book five hearts.


Title: Goblin Quest
Author: Jim C. Hines
Publisher and/or Distributor: Five Star
Publisher Website:\fivestar
Pages: 339
ISBN: 1-4104-0245-2
Price: $13.95
Publishing Date: 2004
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 4 hearts

Goblin Quest is a rather cute fantasy which takes a member of a fantasy groups, the goblins, and makes a hero of him. Traditionally, goblins are always on the short end of the stick against fantasy questers. This one time, a goblin rises out of the ranks of obscurity to become a cowardly hero. The plot is definitely twisted and the point of view is most unusual. We rated this book four hearts,


Title: Singer of Souls
Author: Adam Stemple
Publisher and/or Distributor: Tor Publishing
Publisher Website:
Pages: 237
ISBN: 0-765-31170-4
Price: $22.95
Publishing Date: 2005
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 5 hearts

At last, a fantasy that is not quest dependant. This excellent story about a young street musician who travels to modern Scotland to escape a raging dope habit and to live with his grandmother is a classic flawed-good fighting against evil. The protagonist is given what he thinks is dope and falls off the sobriety wagon, only to find he hasn’t been given something to make him high but something that allows him to see the fairy folk where others can’t. He sets aside a very lucrative street-song writing and performance gig in order to survive a constant onslaught of fairy folk who want to involve him in their politics and wars. He suddenly discovers he has the makings of a powerful wizard based on his musical abilities and crosses over into fairy land to rule and reign.

This first book sets up the possibilities for a whole series that comes as a breath of fresh air in its originality. The author’s ability to communicate the intricacies of guitar playing and the almost Clockwork Orange feel to his modern Scottish street life makes for an unusual combination. We rated this five hearts.


Title: Violent Night
Author: Byron Justice
Publisher and/or Distributor: Lone Tree Publishing
Publisher Website:
Pages: 352
ISBN: 0-9701793-4-0
Price: $19.95
Publishing Date: Jan 2006
Reader: Marcia Schutte
Rating: 5 hearts

"The road to The Other Side is a single thread woven through a tapestry of perils. If you follow that road, do not look back." Alfred Ramblin's admonition to the Temple Shadows Youth Group is the first step on a fantastic journey of faith and love and hope. Well-drawn, believable characters balance an apocalyptic ride through the valleys of despair and the peaks of perfection.

Step into this world of life Before and life After. Test yourself alongside the youngsters who eventually show their true colors, for better and for worse. Enter a world where biblical revelation fuses with the realities of everyday life.

The inevitable comparison is to the "Left Behind" series; do yourself a favor and read the gripping tale that is VIOLENT NIGHT instead. We rated this five hearts.


Title: When the Angles Have Risen
Author: Andrew Feder
Publisher and/or Distributor: Author House
Publisher Website:
Pages: 128
ISBN: 1-4208-3041-4
Price: $12.95
Publishing Date: 2005
Reader: Bob Spear
Rating: 3 hearts

This is an SF novel of the “space aliens are really angels and gods” genre. The book is far more valuable for its political scenarios. The author’s solutions to some of the typical problems we face as citizens of an oligarchy are interesting. We rated this three hearts.
