Our Critiques
Critiquing Services for Publishers
With today's perils in the publishing business, it's difficult to bring a good book to a market which can be whimsical at best. Heartland Reviews can critique an advanced reading copy or a galley proof and point out its weak and strong areas. Although we won't do a full-up edit, we usually can detect typos, misused words, and major grammatical flaws (recently we critiqued a title by a major publishing house and found almost a hundred mechanical and content accuracy mistakes, although most titles contain maybe four or five. Our readers had to wonder how this work got accepted). Each one of eleven areas are evaluated, scored, and commented on for fictional works. Nonfiction works have even more areas, depending on the type of work. Our approach provides vital information that improves a publisher's quality control process and its marketing strategy.

We cover most nonfiction and fiction genres, to include young adult. Contact us for quotes on children's books and picture books. We do not review many "spirituality" or New Age books.

Our readers are assigned books which are relevant to their genre preferences. This insures the most knowledgeable critique we can give.

We charge $297 per critique.